Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Teeth whitening – Different Options with Cosmetic Dentistry

Many of us face dental problems every year and we visit a dentist to solve our problem. He examines our teeth, asks some question related to the problem and them assessing the problem makes a prescription for his patient. But cosmetic dentistry is altogether different from orthopedic dentistry and it is mainly concerned with the beautification of the teeth. They are expert of such techniques that can increase the glow of your teeth and make your smile great and attractive.
An interesting and practical phenomenon in this type of dentistry is that it can help you contour your scattered and unequal teeth so that they look presentable. The procedure is used for the teeth which are chipped and scattered. There is another new phenomenon called the gum lift. Some people show off many gums which looks awkward and they have to hide their face. The laser is used to remove the gums from the lower parts of the jaws and thus the over cluttering at this place sorted. Similarly this dentistry gives us the solution for smaller gums which is also used to correct the shape of the teeth.
Those who have teeth with very good shape but suffer from stains and discoloration can be treated through teeth whitening. It is used in two different ways; one is with bleaching chemicals and the second is through laser beam. The method which uses laser beam is more reliable, fast and efficient. This method is available with the certified dentists only and orthopedic dentists cannot perform it. There are many advantages of this dentistry over the conventional type but one drawback is that it is not supported by insurance. There are two types of kits available in the market, the first type is the ordinary type and the second type is the professional type which is more potent and can give good results which can be differentiated easily.  

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