Thursday, February 17, 2011

Cosmetic Dentistry Options

Cosmetic dentistry is a huge industry which has boomed over the last decade. Cosmetic dentistry is used purely to enhance the appearance of aperson's smile, rather than addressing the medical needs of the patient.

The range of cosmetic dental treatments of offer is increasing every year and you can pretty much find a treatment to solve any problem now.
Cosmetic dental treatments are not covered by the NHS because they are not essential for the health of the patient.
The most popular cosmetic dental treatments include tooth whitening, veneers, orthodontic treatments and cosmetic bonding. Tooth whitening and veneers have become especially popular thanks to celebrity endorsements and their appearance on television reality shows and makeover programmes.

Teeth whitening treatments usually produce results very quickly and they can have a dramatic impact on a person's appearance; white teeth look healthier and more attractive and can help people to look much younger. Popular whitening treatments include Zoom! Whitening and Britesmile, which have both appeared on a number of hit television shows.

Veneers are laminates which are placed over the top of existing teeth; they can produce a complete transformation in a matter of weeks and even the most unattractive set of teeth can be converted into a healthy looking, glossy smile. Most veneers are made of porcelain to ensure they look like natural teeth.

Cosmetic orthodontic treatments are becoming increasingly popular; most people have orthodontic problems of some kind and treatments can now produce results in just a few weeks. Braces now are completely different those of previous decades; gone are the bulky, metal braces and in their place, a host of lighter, more discreet alternatives. An increasing number of adults are choosing to have orthodontic treatment to improve the positioning and appearance of their smile; popular treatments include Invisalign invisible braces, Damon braces, lingual braces and Six Month Smile

Cosmetic bonding is one of the most popular cosmetic treatments; it is used to smooth the appearance of the smile by filling in chips, reshaping teeth, filling in gaps between the teeth and filling in small cavities (these are currently known as white fillings). Cosmetic bonding involves using dental composite, which is a putty-like substance, which hardens as it sets. Cosmetic bonding is one of the cheapest and most straight-forward treatments, but it can make a huge difference to a person's smile.

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