Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Conventional Bridge or Implant?

Dear patient,
Life leaves traces  including on the teeth. An accident playing sport or a fall can leave a gap in your smile at any stage of life. Caries and periodontitis can cost you whole rows of teeth over the years. A stressful situation. But facing a tooth gap bravely is now unnecessary.An obvious or loose denture also. Your dentist has acontemporary solution: original implants by Friadent highly developed, used all over the world, tried and tested a million times over.

The small titanium bodies are artifi cial high-tech tooth roots that become a part of the jaw. They are as fi rm as if they were part of you, and provide a stable base for single-tooth crowns, larger bridges or dentures.
Implant-borne teeth are virtually identical to your second set. And they have a completely natural mouth feel. No problems or flapping dentures. It is not necessary to damage healthy neighboring teeth to fi x bridges in place. Friadent implants offer a secure solution for every age and for every situation. Permanent, bite-resistant and as individual as you are. Gain security and quality of life with implants. Have an attractive smile and enjoy good food again. This brochure describes how surprisingly simple it can be to do this. You will fi nd out how

Friadent implants can be used to replace one tooth, several teeth or all teeth safely
and without complications. You will also fi nd answers to all your questions about the treatment, care of implants and much more.

Naturally invisible-implants in single tooth gaps
Anyone can lose a tooth. It often happens in seconds, playing sport and a tooth is gone, just like that.
A shock, but no great drama any more. Implants resolve the small problem naturally and invisibly. The dentist inserts the small high-tech root at the position where the natural tooth was in the jaw. This usually does not take any longer than any other routine treatment by your dentist. A temporary restoration closes the gap until the implant is healed. Then the fi nal tooth crown
is fi xed in place — permanently. With the new root it is fixed fi rmly in the jaw and feels identical to your
natural teeth.

It's your choice: conventional bridge or implant?
As an alternative the missing tooth can generally be replaced with a fi xed bridge. Healthy teeth must be ground down to fi x the bridge in place. And this means the teeth that are on the left and right of the gap. They act as bridge abutments. The denture is fi xed to the bridge with the aid of crowns. The pontic that closes the gap is between the crowns. It is close enough to the jaw bone to look identical to a natural tooth at fi rst. But it does not load the jaw bone like a natural tooth. Because of this the bone atrophies over time like a muscle that is not used and gradually wastes away. This is why bridge components are often clearly
visible when people are laughing and talking. Is there no tooth on the left or right because the gap is at the end of a row of teeth? Or a tooth bordering the gap clearly has a limited life expectancy and is therefore not suitable as a bridge abutment?

Then there is the removable partial denture. It needs retainers such as small metal clasps attached to the neighboring teeth. However, over time the metal clasps may overload the retainer teeth and cause more tooth losses. This is not necessary  you can have implants.

Implants: the best solution
in every way An implant-borne crown does not need retainer clasps. It is not necessary to grind down any teeth. The implant also retains the natural shape of the jaw bone. Friadent implants imitate the anatomy of the natural tooth root, so the bone and gum are correctly loaded and shaped. No one will detect the tiny difference, not even you. Your new tooth is used in exactly the same way as its natural neighbors. You take care of it in exactly the same way, and it will stay in place — even if you continue to play sport vigorously.
Ask your dentist about the options. Do it now.

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