Saturday, February 26, 2011

Are there difference in quality among implants?

Like virtually any product there are very high-quality implants and lower-quality models. For example, there are differences in the shape of implants, particularly with the surface. The surface ofan implant can be modifi ed to improve the principally tissuecompatible material properties of titanium, but they can also be reduced. Always have your dentist inform you about the characteristics of the implant that is to be used. Ask about long-term experience. Also ask about the longterm availability of replacement components in case your denture ever has to be renewed in the future

Why can I trust Friadent implants?
Friadent implants are quality German products, whose design is based on decades of research, development and documented clinical experience. They are the result of high-precision manufacture. Starting from the purchase of the raw material the entire production chain is subject to extremely rigid certifi ed quality
The range of products covers three systems with differently shaped implants in various sizes and lengths, so the dentist can select the exact type for your specifi cinitial situation. All implants are made of pure surgical titanium and have a unique microstructured surface, which actively supports the healing process of the bone.

The highly developed surfacecharacteristics make it possible  for bone cells to be deposited directly on the implant and the new bone and to form new bone. Friadent implants offer the best conditions for optimum healing and the formation of a permanent stable base for implants. Friadent systems also offer extremely
esthetic prosthetic solutions for every requirement and for every initial situation. And if the denture fi xed to Friadent implants ever needs to be replaced, you can be quite sure that your dentist will be able to obtain all the required components even years later regardless of where you are in the world.

Are there any risks involved with implant placement?

An implant placement is a minor surgical procedure. Complications such as injuries to nerves and blood vessels during placement of implants are certainly possible. this is extremely unlikely these days with the advances in diagnostics and planning. When an implant is placed by a qualified dentist, the risks are no greater
than when removing a wisdom tooth. A sudden rejection reaction of a fully healed implant is also very unlikely. However, in rare cases the bone may not hold the implant firmly enough. In this case it cannot
be resist loading suffi ciently and will most probably have to be removed under local anesthetic.
In most cases a new implant can be placed in the same session if you wish

And if an implant becomes infected?
 When detected early enough infections caused by bacteria can usually be treated successfully. If you attend regular appointments for dental care and prophylaxis at your dentist and also clean your teeth regularly at home, you areunlikely to be affected
Can implant-borne dentures bereplaced or, if more teeth are lost, extended?
Yes, the denture can be replacedor modifi ed at any time. A Friadent single-tooth implant can be converted
into an abutment for abridge or prosthesis without difficulty, even after many years.

I already have a normal full denture. Do I need a new one for attachment to the implants?
 If the existing denture will guarantee optimum load of the implants and good chewing function, it
can certainly be adjusted for fi xing to implants. Ask your dentist. The dentist can assess your individual
situation and will recommend the best solution for you.

What happens if one of my own teeth that is integrated into the denture as an abutment is lost?
If a tooth has to be removed, for example because of a root inflammation, it can generally
be replaced by an additional implant without difficulty. The support and possibly also the
denture will be modifiedaccordingly.

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