Thursday, January 20, 2011

Increase the Success of Dental Implants through Good Health

There is a tendency to assume that dentists are only good for keeping the teeth and gums in top condition. While dentists do focus on oral health, medical research has increasingly shown that there are many illnesses that affect how strong the teeth and gums are. The overall health of an individual grows increasingly more important when the idea of certain procedures cannot be done if the person is not healthy.

In the case of dental implants, the chadence of a successful implantation depends on how strong the gums are. First, the gums are more receptive to the trauma that surgery will place it under. There is less chance that the implants can fall or weaken. In addition to this, a healthy body also means that the healing will go faster after the dental implant surgery.

It is important to remember that the mouth is a part of the body. The health of one affects the performance of the others. Protecting the gums, teeth, and even bones from infection means that the quality of life is enhanced.

In order to make sure that that good health is in place, there are some habits that need to be developed. One of the most important is to floss regularly. Flossing will get rid of the debris that accumulates in the mouth. This lessens the chances of the destruction of the tooth the enamel, dentin, nerves, and other parts. In addition to keeping the teeth healthy, there is also another health offshoot. According to the New England Journal of Medicine, men with periodontal inflammations are more likely to suffer from heart attacks.

The bacteria that are associated with gum disease are also linked to the clotting of blood in the bloodstream. These can clog up the arteries and lead to heart disease and even strokes. When the bacteria enter the bloodstream, this is a condition known as bacteremia. There are approximately 300 kinds of bacteria that are found in the mouth at any given time. Proper oral care ensures that these do not pose a threat that can lead to the loss of teeth or other serious conditions.

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